The social dental laborarory
Cooperation and interaction between dental offices and dental laboratories date back to the early days of dentistry. Perfectly understandable really, since both fields of competence clearly complement each other. At Bourque et Robert, we evolve together with the tools that are developed within the vast global network. Naturally, our goal is to facilitate the transmission of information by optimizing our online presence.

Cooperation and interaction between dental offices and dental laboratories date back to the early days of dentistry. Perfectly understandable really, since both fields of competence clearly complement each other. At Bourque et Robert, we evolve together with the tools that are developed within the vast global network. Naturally, our goal is to facilitate the transmission of information by optimizing our online presence.

The strictly professional LinkedIn network site is also one of the communication tools we use for sharing information with our dental counterparts.

Since a picture is worth a thousand words—and who in the dental world doesn’t thrive on images—we are currently working on developing a presence on Instagram. And knowing how certain situations and intra-oral solutions are difficult to describe, a photo can portray this in a snapshot.

Our bimonthly newsletter has been in existence for 13 years, and is appreciated by our clients. Now, it will be available to a much wider audience through the numerous communication channels on the Web. Many people have expressed their satisfaction in finding information that has proved useful to them in everyday practice. We are all too aware that time is the most expensive commodity in a dental office. As a result, many of our newsletter reports focus on the pitfalls to avoid in this regard.
Did you know that we were the first dental laboratory to have its own website in Québec? Over the years, many versions have been uploaded and improved each time. Our current site—a reflection of our drive for precision and aesthetics—will be revamped to reflect more clearly who we are, letting our desire for perfectionism shine through.
While we do still use the phone on a regular basis, we are pleased to
confirm that our means of communicating has extended beyond the corded
systems of Alexander graham Bell.